Developer and Entrepreneur

About Me

Book and Podcast Notes



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Currently building [2023 - ] Co-Founder

AI Assistant for enterprise data analytics. YC W23 company.

Previous startups

Popper [2020] Co-Founder and CEO

Created a news article automation service and sold it to large Indian media companies.

We automatically published articles within 30 seconds of data release. 120M+ unique IPs accessed our content every month. Developed some insanely cool tech that was later assimilated into Data Narratives

Loki [2017 - 2021] Founder and CEO

A data API and insights company. Scaled it from $0-$180k in revenue as a solo-founder and only full-time employee. Sold products from as low as S$200/month to as high as S$80,000/year

Tech from this was later assimilated into Data Narratives


FitCam [2019]

Real-time, on-device posture correction while exercising

Alternative economic metrics [2019]

Using satellite imagery, vehicle registration data, and sector-specific data to track economic growth in developing countries

Human Name Classifier [2019]

Predicting Indian users' gender, ethnicity, age, religion, and affluence from name strings

Pollniti [2019]

Tracking Indian elections and economy (haven't updated this in a while)

Human Image Classifier [2018]

Predicting users' gender, body type, facial features (beards, glasses etc), ethnicity, and age from their images